About The Conference
The First International Conference on Applied Research in mechanical, electrical, civil, Architectural and Educational Engineering (ICMECAE- API) will be held on 1-3 OCT. 2019 at Sohag, Egypt. ICMECAE- API is to bring together papers will be published by the proceeding book and publication in selected international journals. The conference would offer a number of invited lectures from renowned speakers of different specialists. The Best paper awards will be given for the papers judged to make the most significant contribution to the conference. All submissions to the conference will be reviewed by at least two independent peers for technical merit and content. It is anticipated that a broad range of research and applied topics will be covered during the conference.
Read More ↦The Conferance Aims
∘ Identify common research problems and interests of researchers.
∘ Directing graduate student's researches to serve the community development and industrial problems.
∘ Defining the local and international community in what is discussed in the university messages an opening channel of communication and scientific and technological exchange
∘ Provide researchers with the opportunity to collaborate to conduct joint research with a view to developing and modernizing common technical and scientific fields
∘ To support scientific research as a collective priority and support it an improve its level, especially applied scientific research

Conference Supervisors

Prof. Khaled Abdel-Ghaffar
Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Ministry of Higher Education

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Aziz
President of Sohag University , Sohag University
Sohag University

Prof. Ahmed Abdel Rahem
Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Education , Sohag University
Sohag University

Prof. Mahmoud Salem Ahmed
Conference Chief , Faculty of Industrial Education, Sohag University
Sohag University
Conference Speakers

Prof. Mazen Abdel-Salam
Emeritus Professor at Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt.
South Valley University

Dr. Khalid Abdel-Rahman
Institute for Geotechnical Engineering Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany
South Valley University

Prof. Hosam A. Shawky
Professor of Water Chemistry, EDRCE , Desert Research Center, Cairo Egypt.
South Valley University
Organizing Committee
The conference organizing and scientific and committee

Dr. Emad Ali Ahmed
General Secretary
Physics Department, Faculty of Science, SVU
South Valley University

Dr. Abdel Mawgoud Mohammed
Geology Department, Faculty of Science , SVU
South Valley University
Scientific Committee
• Prof. Hany Ahmed Mohamed Al-beblawy , Prof of Thirmodynamics, Assiut University
• Prof. Ahmed Mohamed Qasem , Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Sohag University
• Prof. Gamal Tag , Prof of Mechanical Desgin , Dean of South Valley University
• Prof. Ahmed Abdel Rahem , Dean of Faculty of Industrial Education , Sohag University
• Prof. Mahmoud Salem Ahmed , Faculty of Industrial Education, Sohag University
• Prof. Islam Mohamed Ibrahim , Prof of Materials Science, Faculty of Science, Sohag University
• Prof. Hamdey Abo Ali , Prof of Heat Transfer, Faculty of Engineering, Sohag University
• Prof. Ahmed Mohamed Said , Prof of Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Education, Sohag University
• Prof. Emad Al-Zohry , Prof of Electrical Powers, Faculty of Industrial Education, Sohag University
• Prof. Mohamed Helmy , Prof of Architectural Engineering, Sohag University
• Prof. Khaled Amran , Dean of Faculty of Education, Sohag University
• Prof. Yousef Abd Al-Sabour , Prof of Psychological health, Faculty of Education, Sohag University
• Prof. Ali Said Abdel-Galel , Prof of Teaching Methods, Faculty of Education, Sohag University
Conference Secretaries
• Prof. Ahmed Mohamed Saied , Prof of Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Education, Sohag University
☎ : 01026523052
• Prof. Hossam Mohamed Abdel-Rahman , Prof of Science, Faculty of Industrial Education, Sohag University
☎ : 01008629822
• Prof. Emad Al-Zohry , Prof of Electrical Powers, Faculty of Industrial Education, Sohag University
☎ : 01006826789
• Prof. Mohamed Heshmat , Faculty of Science, Sohag University
☎ : 0106551321
• Prof. Ahmed Saeed , Faculty of Industrial Education, Sohag University
☎ : 01141946015
• Walaa Ahmed Mohamed Mazed , ITU, Sohag University
☎ : 01000388773
• Ahmed Mohamed Nour Elden Ahmed - Sohag University
☎ : 01144283942
Conference Fees
The conference accommodation, payments and fees
Fees For Egyptians
» 1200 LE per participant with a research (without accommodation, including attending the conference sessions + submitting the research certificate + two days food + a bag in which the conference brochure well printed + research arbitration)
» 700 LE participant without research from faculty members and academics (without accommodation, including attending conference sessions + certificate of attending sessions + attending workshops sessions + two days food)
» 800 LE for postgraduate students who are participant with a research (without accommodation, including attending the conference sessions + submitting the research certificate + two days food + a bag in which the conference brochure well printed + research arbitration)
Payment For Egyptians
⪼ Bank Name : Central Bank of Egypt
⪼ Account No : 7/85446/450/9
Important Notice : Send a copy of the receipt of the payment subscription to the email : Mahmoudsalem.ahmed@yahoo.com.
For Non. Egyptians
» 350$ (Early bird up to 1 june 2019 without accommodation)
Fees Include : Attending all sessions + Abstract booklet + CD + bag + two night lunch + coffee break all three days.
» 400$ On Site without accommodation
Fees Include : Attending all sessions + Abstract booklet + CD + bag + two night lunch + coffee break all three days.
Payment For Non-Egyptians
⪼ Beneficiary Bank Name : Central Bank of Egypt
⪼ Account No : USD 4082176602
⪼ Swift Bank Code : CBEGECXXXX
⪼ Beneficiary Cust Name : Special Funds - Sohag University
⪼ Correspondent Bank Name : Arab African Int. Bank
⪼ Account No : 6003364021
⪼ Swift Bank Code : ARAIEGCXXXX
Important Notice : Send a copy of the receipt of the payment subscription to the email : Mahmoudsalem.ahmed@yahoo.com.
About Suez Canal Hall
The new Suez Canal Hall is the largest conference hall in the Egyptian universities. It was established at Sohag University. The Hall has 1000 seats for attendance. it cost 70 million pounds and was built by the Arab Contractors Company. and Contains 4 attached rooms and a hall for visitors and another for the University Council. it was built to allocate a large room for journalists and media professionals while covering conferences inside. It also contains giant screens used in the presentation of programs and speakers participating. and designed with the latest modern technological techniques through simultaneous interpretation of mics installed in each seat in the hall.Air-conditioned unit with audio and visual equipment.

Academy Publishing Center

Smart Systems Lab